Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Rescue Mission!

A great storm blew in from the sea, and the waters began to rise. When the water was a foot or two deep, a local trucker pulled up the large gray house and shouted to the man standing on the porch, "Hey, mister... jump in! I'm here to rescue you." With a glint of pride in his eye, the man said calmly, "I don't need you. I've lived a good life. God is going to rescue me." Off the trucker drove. The waters got higher than the first floor as the storm raged on. In the midst of the driving rain and rushing waters, a boat pulled up to the house and someone yelled, "Anyone in there? We are here to rescue you!" The man poked his head out of the second story window and said, "Don't bother yourselves... God is going to save me." The waters continued to rise to the point where the man was forced to climb onto the roof of his house. Before long a helicopter came over the hill, hovered over the house and let down a harness. "You don't need to bother with me. God is going to save me" the man said confidently. Finally the raging waters rose above the roof of the house and the man was washed away and drowned. When the man arrived at the pearly gates and stood before the throne, he had a look of shock on his face. Indignant and unhappy, he muttered,"I thought you were going to save me!?!" God looked him squarely in the eye and said, "I sent a truck, a boat and finally a helicopter. What more did you expect me to do?"

Do you think that you are a good person?  Good people go to Heaven, right?  So what do you have to worry about... Why all this talk about Jesus Christ?  He lived and died 2,000 years ago... what does that matter? Why do people still read the Bible... some dusty old book? They didn't have the internet back then... what did they know?  And churches?  Just a bunch of hypocrites talking about God on Sunday morning and then cursing and yelling like drunken sailors when the game comes on Sunday afternoon. Right?  You tell yourself, 'I'm basically a good person...  I don't need any of that outdated fairy tale stuff to get to Heaven... right?' Suddenly, your heart stops, you get hit by a bus, or you are killed by cancer. The next thing you know, you are standing before the throne, confident that you are good enough to get in. To your shock and horror, God says, "Depart from me. I never knew you".  Mixing terror with anger you cry out, "God, I was basically a good person... I thought you were going to save me?" On that day He could well say, "I sent my Son to earth to die and pay the price for your sins, but you neglected and rejected him. I had holy men put My Word in black and white so you could read it for yourself, but you dismissed it as rubbish. I established my church on earth and sent them on a mission to tell you about me, but you treated them like fools. What more did you expect me to do? You rejected all my efforts to save you, so you remain unsaved and stained with your disobedience and rejection. Nothing unclean enters into the kingdom of Heaven, so your choices are the reason you are banished." Yikes! If that's a sobering thought (or not), please read on... it's Big Picture time!

In the time before time began, God who is spirit had a passion to create, to give, to do, to love. Being non-physical, God brought into manifestation his 'body' per se... a means by which he could interact with the multi-dimensional universe that he was about to create. That 'body' (i.e. the Word of God), while part of God, was given a will and consciousness that was interdependent with God, so that God had someone with whom to share of joy of creating the universe! (This explains how Jesus Christ can be both the Son of God and God... He is the 'Arm of the Lord'... is your arm you?) The Word became the firstborn of all creation (and thus became his 'Son', who he named 'Yeshua' in Hebrew (meaning 'to rescue' or 'to deliver'), translated 'Jesus' in the New Testament), and it was by the Word (Jesus) that God 'spoke' the universe into being (quantum physics has shown that all matter is simply different vibrational states of energy/power... notice the connection between 'speaking', the 'Word', and 'vibration'). The Gospel of John famously starts out, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made... And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." Elsewhere it is written, "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Remember in Genesis, where it says, "God said, Let there be light...", etc.? When God 'said', that was God 'speaking' and 'his Word' brought it into being.

Prior to Adam, God had created other beings called 'angels' in the Bible, under the leadership of three archangels, Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer. At some point Lucifer became prideful and organized a failed mutiny against God (along with his 1/3 of the angels) and they were banished from Heaven. Stripped of their glory and banished from the presence of God, the fallen angels mutated into demons, and these inter-dimensional beings became the ancient (and contemporary) aliens, 'gods' of old (small 'g'), all types of 'paranormal phenomena', and (what we recognize as) demons. The remaining angels are still angels and often work for our benefit on behalf of God (though mostly in an alternate dimension so unseen by us).

The crown of God's creation, however was mankind. Made in God's image (God is body [the Word, Jesus] soul [God The Father] and spirit [the Holy Spirit]), the first humans (Adam and Eve) were also a three part beings, consisting of a body, soul and the holy spirit (that they received from and shared with God). Given free will, when man still chose to love God, it was the highest form of love for God in the universe. Jealous of God and Adam's relationship, Satan (who's name had been Lucifer, meaning 'Lightbearer', after his fall is referred to as Satan, meaning 'the enemy/adversary') deceived mankind and caused them to fall. The holy spirit 'died' (was removed) but the body and soul lived on. Unlike the fallen angels, however, because of free will, man could choose to be obedient to God and, if he was really faithful (and I mean Abraham/Moses/Isaiah faithful), he could earn his way into Heaven under the Law of the Old Testament.

The requirements of living an entire lifetime of purity, faith and holiness without the indwelling holy spirit were so difficult for mankind, however, that most did not make it into Heaven (in the purest sense, just thinking of committing a sin is a in itself sinful). God loved man, but man was, generally speaking, a failure. That is why God implemented a secret plan. He began hinting at it throughout the Old Testament (ex: Psalms and the book of Isaiah), but the full nature of the plan was kept a mystery, because if Satan fully understood it, it was so shockingly powerful that he would not have had Christ crucified! Yashua (Jesus) the Word of God, the son of God, the one who participated in the creation of the universe with God the Father and sat at His right hand in glory, came down from his throne to this planet and became one of us. Instead of coming as a king, however, he was born a 'helpless' baby raised in obscurity and poverty.  Although Satan was out to kill him from birth, God kept him safe from harm, always one step ahead. Jesus, as the son of God, was the first man since Adam to be born of the spirit as well as body and soul. He grew in wisdom and power, and came to understand that the spiritual superseded the material. He became our example, loving, teaching, healing, and casting out evil wherever he went. Satan was furious, and figured out a plan to have Jesus killed. On Passover, somewhere around 31-33 AD, Jesus Christ was crucified. How the demons must have rejoiced. What they failed to understand is that he had become the Passover lamb, the substitutional sacrifice by whom all men's sins could be cleansed, by paying the ultimate price of his life... his death for our life. Imagine their shock and dismay when three days later, Christ rose from the dead and was once again seated at the right hand of God! Not only that, but on the day of Pentecost, the remaining faithful Apostles received the third part that Adam had lost so many years ago... the holy spirit! Suddenly the good news of salvation was spreading like wildfire! Thousands of souls received the holy spirit in the days that followed! They began speaking in languages they did not know, healing the sick, even raising the dead! Then, the ultimate mystery that was revealed is that not only Jews, but anyone (i.e. that means you and me!) could become part of the chosen, the elect of God! Like Neo of the Matrix, he is 'The One' who demonstrated authority over even the 'laws of nature'. Like Obi-Wan Kenobi of Star Wars, Jesus Christ became more powerful through his death (and resurrection)! Like a spiritual 'Rambo', he came into enemy territory under cover and overpowered an entire army of demons single handedly! Then he replicated himself in us by empowering anyone who believed in him with the holy spirit so that each one of us could have authority over all evil in his name!

YOU can be part of the 'body of Christ', being filled with the holy spirit (if you are not already), and destined for Heaven! How can you be saved, rescued, delivered from death and hell?  There are two parts to redemption... The first part (understanding that God raised Christ from the dead), is to make a verbal covenant promise to God that you accept Jesus Christ as your LORD (Rom 10:9,10).  This means that you agree to stop living just for yourself, and like a marriage vow, you commit to living in a way that benefits your 'marriage partner' (i.e. the Lord), even above yourself (no good deed will go unrewarded). When you accept Jesus as your Lord, then He becomes your Savior... you are washed clean of all past sins, and made worthy of Heaven. This is typically done as a prayer to God.  The second part of redemption is to do it... to live it out. We prove that we really meant it when we said that we accepted Jesus as our Lord by living that way. If we say it and then don't do it, then it was just a lie... a false promise. We can't lie our way into Heaven. What does it mean to live it out? We need to change our ways, from selfish to selfless, from taking to giving, from hurting to loving, etc. Bottom line: Love God with all your being, Love others as Christ loves us, and share the good news! So if you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord, now is the time! What matters more than anything else is where you will spend eternity...  Make Jesus the Lord of your life and you will be spending eternity in Heaven!  God sent His Son to rescue YOU.  Take His hand and fly!

Though the final outcome of this spiritual war is certain (he will come back, win a decisive victory, and reign as King of Kings, ruling over all creation... and that time may in fact be near), the destroyer, Satan, still wants to take down as many souls as he can, so the battles rage on. In war, 'bad things happen to good people'. All around us, men, women and children that are not living for Christ are prisoners of war, though most are completely unaware of it. In Biblical times, people's names had meaning and even great significance, often reflecting their nature or purpose in life. As I mentioned, the Hebrew name of Jesus, Yeshua, actually means "to rescue", "to deliver".  Jesus Christ is the great deliverer, and his rescue mission is now in full swing! Once we have been rescued by committing ourselves into his service, we have the opportunity to become part of the rescue team. It is through our voice and actions that he typically speaks (though there are still times he intervenes personally!). We can help people see that Christ is knocking at the door of every person's heart, asking to be let in. If a person opens the door of their heart to him, we become part of the living Temple, and God in Christ then dwells in us, giving us wisdom, direction and strength. We who have accepted him as both Lord (i.e. commanding officer) and Savior (rescuer, deliverer) have become his brothers and sisters and his hands and feet on this planet. To anyone who is willing, we can offer them the truth, and the truth can set them free! Then, when the end comes, he will take all those who have joined with him in the great global rescue mission to our home in the sky.... Heaven!

John 3:16

The Pursuit of Perfection and the Thrill of Victory!

Every few years the Olympics comes around and becomes the centerpiece of global culture. In a world filled with crime, war, poverty, and injustice, the spectacle of seeing people who have dedicated major portions of their lives to excelling at a physical discipline and rising to the highest levels of human achievement is not only a welcome distraction.  It is inspirational, uplifting, and even awe inspiring! Seeing someone spin in the air more times than you can count, then land on a slippery surface on 1/8" wide blade of steel and do it with grace is a stunning sight to see! Watching people sled on ice at 90 mph with no real steering mechanism and their face inches from the ground seems surreal... or downhill racers going at similar speeds standing on two high tech beams at the hairy edge between control and disaster...  it makes you wonder what drives them to put everything on the line with such rare abandon. While motivations vary and are often deeply personal, attaining the 'perfect run' and experiencing the 'thrill of victory' is one common fuel that keeps them focused and driven. There is something in us that longs for perfection, whether we experience it ourselves or see it in others.

There is a paradox of human experience that few people can really explain. When we see something so beautiful, powerful, wondrous and moving that we are filled with joy... why is it a very common response to weep... to be moved to tears? Tears are typically associated with sadness, yet in our most transcendent and happy moments, we often cry. While still in high school, I came across (and wrote a paper on) the writings of a French (first a Protestant, then agnostic, then Catholic) philosopher named Jacques Maritain who had the best explanation I had ever heard before or since. As I recall, his explanation was that we all long for Heaven, for God's reign, for perfection.  When we get a glimpse of perfection in this damaged world, that deep and potent connection with everything we long for is made for a moment, then broken. In that moment of transcendent joy we weep with sadness as we begin to experience the inevitable loss of what we know is slipping through our fingers, knowing that we are powerless to stop it. We have touched Heaven itself, and now we are being torn from it kicking and screaming as the world pulls us back to it's harsh reality. It all happens in a moment, an instant, faster than we can comprehend, and we are left wondering what just hit us as we wipe the tears from our eyes. 

One thing that is interesting about this is that it has a lot in common with 'near death experiences' (NDEs).  Quite often when people 'die' and go to Heaven, they are so overwhelmed with the love and joy and perfection they experience, when they are asked (or told) about coming back to their earthly existence to finish out their purpose, that is the last thing they want! Despite being separated from family and friends and all of their 'stuff', they most frequently want to stay, and are sad, and even angry, when they have to leave Heaven to come back to life. Wanting to understand and experience the joys and wonders of Heaven myself (if not experientially, then vicariously), I started collecting videos of people who have had NDEs (or waking dreams) whereby they went to Heaven and then came back to tell about it. I put together a YouTube channel (check it out here) with this collection which currently has nearly 2 million hits and counting, so I guess I am not the only one intrigued by this phenomenon! 

So what does it all mean? How can we use this information to bring more meaning and purpose to our lives? How can we tap into that powerful force that drives athletes in their pursuit of excellence? How can we 'touch Heaven', achieve that 'perfect run', and experience 'the thrill of victory' again and again in our lives? The first Olympics were held in Greece in 776 BC, so the Apostle Paul (being a Roman citizen and speaking Greek) would have been well acquainted with the Olympics (although 'Winter Olympics' hadn't been invented yet). He states, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air", and "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." He also said, "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace", and, near the end of his life, proclaimed, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing." Paul saw himself and us as spiritual athletes striving for rewards that will last forever!

Bottom line? Jesus endured the most difficult course (of events) ever imagined... the cross. How?  Like top athletes, by keeping his eyes on the prize of the joy that was set before him (sitting at the right hand of God). We are encouraged to follow His example and keep our eyes on Him, the one who will reward us for all the good we have done as we stand on the podium. A true athlete feels reward from discipline, progress, and incremental success, but ultimately strives for that 'Gold Medal' (historically it was a victory wreath or crown). Christ reminded us, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Getting to Heaven is one thing... gathering crowns and other rewards to be held until you arrive is another. Paul refers to a number of 'crowns' (or victory wreaths) to be attained for things like self-disciplineperseverance in difficultyspiritual leadershipwitnessing and discipleshipfaithfulness even unto death, and looking forward to the return of Christ. Christ saves us by His grace if we make him Lord and Savior, but if we are faithful in doing good no matter what, we will have great reward in Heaven! We can strive for 'perfection' in our walk with God each day... with our ear open to the guidance of our coach, the Holy Spirit, we can live in faith, hope and love, following the example of our Lord and his most committed spiritual athletes. We can raise our sights toward our heavenly calling and keep our eye on the ​heavenly rewards that not only will outshine anything this world could offer, but they will last for eternity! Perfect everlasting rewards are within our grasp! Lift up your eyes and go for the gold!

But wait... There's more! We who have faith also have daily access to experience perfection, to get a glimpse of Heaven, to live under God's reign through a living relationship with our perfect Creator... through prayer, through study of God's Word, and through Holy Spirit inspired action. We can experience perfection every time we seek and find His holiness. When the Love of God is real to you, you will keep coming back again and again, and find strength, power and wisdom (when you need it most) by dwelling in His presence. As Isaiah said,

"He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,    
they will walk and not be faint."

The Big Lie Nobody Challenges... and How to Have Eternal Life!

We don't need to look far to find scandal, abuse, adultery, the use of pornography, lying, drunkenness and other types of reprehensible behavior among people that are supposed to be living good Christian lives. People that call themselves 'Christian' are many times the opposite of what one would consider a Christian to be (I include myself in this group, in times past). While there is an aspect of human frailty and weakness that we all will struggle with to some extent, there is a doctrine that has become a 'pillar' of the vast majority of Christian churches which is not Biblical and has led to a proliferation of immoral behavior among so-called Christians. Worst of all, it risks the eternal destiny of millions, yet it looks so good and has such mass appeal that most don't even think to question it. It is time to face this false doctrine head on, so that people can make enlightened and informed decisions about their lives.

Have you heard the phrase, "Once saved, always saved"? Have you heard preachers talk about how, once we 'accept Christ', we are forever cleansed of all of our sins, so that, no matter how we live our lives, we can be secure that we will go to Heaven? It sounds nice doesn't it? Very appealing... no rules, no self-discipline... just live our lives like we always have but add a little prayer and, voila, we have a free ticket to Heaven. So what is the problem with that? Consider the martyrs who went to their death rather than deny Christ. If one could do anything and be forgiven, why didn't they deny Christ then ask for forgiveness later? The problem is that it is not based on what the Bible clearly teaches. The problem is that people are taught to believe that they can commit all kinds of immoral acts and still get to Heaven... that, no matter what sins they commit, they get a free pass (it is often taught that all of their sins will be cast 'as far as the east is from the west', causing them to think there will be no repercussions for bad behavior, sometimes leading to even worse behavior than before they were 'saved'), so sin abounds unrestrained, and the name of God is disgraced. The problem is that millions of people that considered themselves Christians will stand before the throne of Judgment, and will be shocked and horrified to hear the words, "I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS'. I am sure you don't want to be among those caught by surprise!

So where did this doctrine come from? The most likely source is an early heretical splinter group that broke away from Christianity called the 'Gnostics'. In the book of Acts there is a man called "Simon the sorcerer". As described in Wikipedia (under 'Gnosticism')..."Charges of Gnostic libertinism find their source in the works of Irenaeus. According to this writer, Simon Magnus (whom he has identified as the prototypical source of Gnosticism, and who had previously tried to buy sacramental authority of ordination from St. Peter the Apostle) founded the school of moral freedom ('amoralism'). Irenaeus reports that Simon's argument was that those who put their trust in him and his consort Helen need trouble themselves no further with the biblical prophets or their moral exhortations and are free "to do what they wish", as men are saved by his (Simon's) grace and not by their "righteous works." Eventually, as with many other pagan beliefs, in an attempt to 'win over the pagans', the 'Christianized version' of this doctrine slowly worked its way into the thinking of mainstream Christianity. In addition, Martin Luther's focus on the texts referring to being 'saved by grace through faith and not by works', while true up to a point, is not the complete message. There is more to salvation than a single act on a single day. There is more required than an experience of being 'Born again'. While the 'new birth' is an important first step, and it is the point at which all of our past sins (done in ignorance) are cleansed (and the most poignant demonstration of God's grace in Christ), it is just the beginning. Jesus clearly teaches that, unless we bear good fruit (and stop bearing bad fruit), we will be cut off.

John 15: “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.  You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned.” In Matthew He repeats a very similar analogy with the same message: “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits. Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.  Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS'." (For further clarification on the Biblically accurate position, consider Hebrews 6:4-15 and 10:22-39).

So what is ‘good fruit’ and ‘bad fruit’? I think the book of Galatians says it most clearly. “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. Now the deeds of the flesh [i.e. the bad fruit] are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.”

Friends, brothers and sisters, we cannot live a life full of sinful behavior and think God is OK with that. He is not. While sin in ignorance is bad, willfully and habitually sinning after “accepting Christ as Lord” is far worse (it has  become deliberate betrayal), and it is clear evidence that we have not truly accepted Christ as Lord… if we had, we would not continue in willful sin. It is to God’s glory and to our benefit that we ‘bear good fruit’. If you have considered yourself a ‘Christian’ but have continued in willful disobedience to God, you still have a choice. Thank God for the story of the prodigal son! We can diligently seek God's mercy in prayer and turn from our self-destructive path (remember the father in the story said  “For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.") and live a life striving for holiness and goodness. When we fall, repent (which means being truly sorry and committing never to do it again… then not doing it again!  As Jesus said, “Go, and sin no more”), then rededicate yourself to living right before God. You can do it!

Let us live lives that glorify God! Let us do good to all we meet. Let us love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength! Let us bear the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ by ‘walking in the spirit’. That, my dear friends, will be assurance of Heaven!!!

Adventures in the Matrix!

Who are you? Who am I? Are we just humans struggling to get by in a difficult and challenging world? Are we to simply suffer the injustice and abuse that this world throws our way? Are we no more than a victim of our circumstances, of our own weaknesses and shortcomings? How we live our lives will be dependent on our choices and our perspective.

First, the fundamentals. Are you a believer in Jesus Christ? Have you accepted him as your Lord and Savior? Have you made him your king and committed yourself to be a faithful champion for his cause (that is what it means to accept him as Lord)? If you have, BRAVO! Good news to come. On the other hand, if you have not done that, then the above is actually not far from the mark, regardless of the prosperity or success that you may appear to have. Why is that? Let me explain...

If you know the first thing about quantum physics or understand the variables of Einstein's formula E=MC (energy = matter x a constant, therefore all matter is really just concentrated packets of energy that give the illusion of being 'solid') then you know that matter does not really exist in the sense that we experience it... that all matter has no true substance. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that photons, electrons, and sub-atomic particles behave differently, depending on whether we are observing them or not (our consciousness and awareness affects the apparent nature of the "matrix" in which we live, so how real could it be?), therefore life is not as it seems. In reality the things of this world do not really matter because matter does not really exist... its existence is an illusion, a dream from which we will awaken when it's 'game over' and we pass from this dream state and transition into the real, timeless and eternal world. We are living in a Star Trek holodeck and don't even know it... our visit to this material existence shorter than the blink of an eye in the context of eternity. That is why all the possessions and material prosperity in the world are meaningless... they are an illusion, a dream, a vapor... they do not really exist. 'Vanity, vanity... all is vanity'. That is what Solomon was talking about. So what matters? So what is reality? Reality is in another dimension... a dimension that is eternal and timeless, not temporary and decaying. The only enduring and true reality is the spiritual dimension. In the true reality, God is on the throne, Jesus Christ is both Lord over all and Savior who gave all. There is a higher realm that is incredibly beautiful, vibrant and alive with music, filled with light and stunning natural beauty of which this world is but a pale reflection! There are millions of angels, and those who have committed their lives to him on earth are with him even now in the eternal kingdom that will last forever! In that true reality, there are also demons and a semi-impenetrable wall behind which is an outer darkness of pain, suffering and separation from God. Behind that wall is rebellion, pride, disrespect, abuse, hatred, and all that is not pure, good and light. We are born into God's kingdom as innocent babies but fall into that darkness the moment we have a knowledge of good and evil and knowingly choose evil. From that time forward Jesus is calling for us... knocking at the door of our heart, calling us to come back to him. Only when we choose to accept Christ as Lord, Savior and Redeemer is Jesus Christ able to reach through that 'impenetrable' wall and pull us back into his Kingdom of Light!

In that context, for those of us who have committed our lives to the Lordship of Christ, who are we? (if you have not, here's step one). Humans struggling to survive? Victims? No! Why not? Because we chose God over goods and choose to build up treasures in Heaven instead (we can't serve God and stuff ... not that stuff itself is good or bad, it is just a fleeting puff of smoke and not worth building your life around). When we choose to live instead as spiritual beings, as empowered sons and daughters of the most high God, He causes us to become more than conquerors! We have been raised up from death and hell and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. In addition, God  has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Not only this, but we were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.  Isn't this amazing!?!  See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!

How are we to respond to the knowledge that God has been so gracious to us? Here is a clue... Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.  When we truly understand who we are, then we will do good to everyone we meet, clean up our act, and live good, godly and holy lives. How? By the powerful force of God's grace (not as a license for sin but as a force for good)... For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. Living life right is no longer a battle when God has already won the battle for us. When we see who we are in Christ, we naturally choose what is right. Our key to victory is knowing our identity.

As direct decedents of the Creator of the Universe, as children of the Most High God, being a part of the royal spiritual bloodline of Jesus Christ, can we do any less than rise above the evils and temptations of the world? Tempted to give in?  You're better than that! You are royalty with a divine blood line! We have been made truly free from addictions like alcohol, pornography, drugs, ego gratification, etc., because the love and peace we are really looking to fulfill have already been given to us in enormous abundance by God! The need for those weak substitutes drops away because we have the real thing. Time spent in prayer and biblical meditation and study is time in sweet and precious union with our Father being filled with the very substance of GOD... refilling our love bank so we have to give! Since God is love, it is in our true nature to be that love as well... to give to those in need, to care for our brothers and sisters, and to do unto the the least of these all the good that we can, for that is our purpose. Giving is not only material (though it includes that)... it is also spiritual... giving love, light and truth to those blinded by the darkness of this world. Be a radiant light of God in this world. That is who you are! Don't settle for anything less. Rise above, and live victoriously! You can do it because you're God's descendant! Stand on who you are. Do that and you will be victorious! Once you understand your true identity, you will be empowered to fulfill your destiny!!!

The Most Powerful Force in the Universe!

What is the most powerful force in the universe? A hurricane? A volcano? Stars? Black holes? Supernovas? Gamma bursts? The simple answer is, 'none of the above'. The most powerful force in the universe is L-O-V-E.  Why?  Stars burn out. Black holes suck. Supernovas and gamma bursts are a flash in the pan of eternity.  All are subject to the ravages of time and will eventually fade away... but Love is eternal. Love never fails. The one who made the trillions of stars, the Creator of all creation, the one who started it all identifies Himself as Love. Take it from the Good Book...'God is Love. Whoever lives in Love lives in God, and God in them.'

The idea that Love is the greatest power in the universe seems paradoxical, as we think of love as soft, gentle, kind, compassionate, and associate Love with images like flowers, hearts, puppy dogs and enamoured couples... hardly the stuff that shakes the cosmos. It is clear that we have a small minded view of Love. Why is the moon's orbit perfect, so that it does not fly off into space or crash into the earth destroying all life? Love. Why isn't the earth's orbit just a little off causing it to crash into the sun? Love. Why are the rings of Saturn 180,000 km in diameter and less than 1 km thick.. what keeps them in their beautiful form? Love. Why does the sound of crickets slowed down sound like angels singing (check it out.... this is amazing!!!)? Love. Why are flowers beautiful? Why do birds sing? Why do leaves go out in a blaze of glory, rather than just wither and die? Why are the most beautiful scenes on the planet scenes of natural beauty? Love. The invisible nature of God's love is made known by the visible beauty and wonder of the universe that He created.  Because God is Love, because God loves, He made you and me.  Whether you were your parent's heart's desire or an 'accident', God made you because of His Love... you are loved by God more than you could ever imagine! Whether you had a great childhood or suffered neglect and abuse, God loves you and has deep compassion for you.  He understands you better than you understand yourself and loves you far more than you could ever love yourself! Don't worry... be happy!!!

Having studied hundreds of near death experiences (I have a YouTube channel with virtually nothing but NDE testimonies.... check it out!), I can tell you that universally the most powerful, overwhelming, awe inspiring, humbling, enlightening awareness that people experience when they transition into the higher reality is the awesome power of God's Love. It changes people. They come back and tell about God's Love to anyone that will listen. They stop focusing on money and career and looking for 'a good time', and instead start treating those around them in profoundly new ways. Every opportunity to do something kind for another is a little victory. It is living who we were meant to be, because we were meant to be followers of God.

Feeling fearful? Perfect love casts out fear. Feeling powerless? Love. Give. Do for others. Speak encouragement to family, friends, and even strangers that cross your path... maybe God brought them near to you because they needed encouragement, a word of kindness, or just to know that somebody cares about them. Are you blessed with financial abundance? You have the opportunity to consume it on self or use it to bless others... which do you think will reap eternal rewards? One blessed young man did just this by the simple act of giving $100 to random homeless people... the results were powerful and moving. Give to the poor and help them in their distress. Can't think of what to do? Pray for others. No selfless act of kindness will go unnoticed or unrewarded. Of course the greatest gift that any person could offer another is entrance into God's holy family and eternal life by introducing them to Jesus Christ, the one who exemplified Love in his every action as an example for us to follow (a well known atheist - Penn of 'Penn and Teller' - once met a man who showed him the love of God. Penn was both appreciative and deeply moved, and said, "How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible, and not tell them that?"). Tell them! It is the most powerful Love we can give!

It is only fitting that I close out with the beautiful and majestically poetic 'Chapter of Love",  I Corinthians 13:

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.  If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is Love."

"This is Love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." 
I John 3:10,11

Love. Ka-BOOM!

The Most Important Thing!

Spring is one of my favorite times of year... a time when that which seemed dead 'springs' to life again. Wooden skeletons bud and the green leaves that follow bring life and fullness to the formerly sparse and barren forests and meadows. Beautiful and fragrant flowers spontaneously burst forth from trees and gardens. It is a time to appreciate the joys and wonders of God's creation... to 'stop and smell the roses', per se. It is a time of renewal, of new life, and of new beginnings. I am convinced that it is no coincidence that the Lord of Creation was resurrected from death to a new and transformed life during the spring... it is as if the seasons were invented to remind us of the new life that sprang forth from the grave outside of Jerusalem, twenty centuries ago, still so fresh and powerful these many years later.

I recently reformatted my YouTube channel to focus exclusively on people that have 'temporarily died' and visited Heaven (and sometimes hell), then were 'resurrected'... or is some cases visited Heaven/hell sans NDE. In sorting through which videos to post, I have watched countless hours where time and time again, people described a world so much more alive, present, beautiful, and full of love than the world in which we live today.  For all of its wonder and beauty, the physical realm is a mere shadow and reflection of the spiritual world that those who have been there will tell you without hesitation, is ten times more real than the world in which we currently seem to exist. It is also a world where angels and demons are in bold opposition, and where Jesus Christ is simultaneously loving and and approachable, as well as being Lord and King of the Universe. I encourage you to visit the channel and share in these amazing and telling experiences. My channel handle is Truthrabbit, as I have lived in the rabbit hole of truth for a while, and this is a dimension that many have no clue about.

The adventure and drama of the greatest movies ever made (greatest books, greatest video games, etc.) cannot compare to the power and impact of the spiritual realm. The good and evil of this present matrix is magnified a hundred trillion times in the spiritual realm. The place where God, Jesus, the angels, and the redeemed live is called 'the third Heaven'.  This is not sequential in time, but rather layered in space, as it were. The 'first heaven' is the atmosphere around earth... the air we breath, the blue sky. The second heaven is primarily the realm of Satan and his demons (though they frequent the first heaven, the earth, and under the earth), and reaches out into the stars and galaxies (Are 'aliens' actually demons? That is the subject of a separate study). The Third Heaven is a place beyond the known universe, in another dimension, and a place where Satan and his demons cannot go. Some tell of traveling through the stars to get there, while others are there in an instant, so time and space are actually made irrelevant by its unique nature.

As full of love, joy, peace and light the kingdom if Heaven is, the realm of hell is its polar opposite... full of darkness, pain, anguish, and regret, and completely devoid of love. Though I have doubted the existence of hell in the past (and still am not sure of its permanence, at least in its current state, as hell itself is cast into the lake of fire which is called the second death), I can no longer doubt that hell is real, based on the consistency of the 'eyewitness testimonies'. Once a person is there, there is no escape, no redemption, no second chances. It is a place so horrible and frightening that no description can fully capture the hopelessness, fear, agony and emptiness of this realm. What is even more alarming (per numerous accounts) is the number of people that thought they were going to Heaven that end up in hell! Our Lord was not just being dramatic when he declared, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it... Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'" In this age of the church of Laodicea only a small percentage will actually make it to Heaven (one 'traveler' estimated that it worked out to about 2.5% of the population). If that is not a wake up call, I don't know what is!

People plan for vacations, they plan for retirement, they plan for the future... but few people plan for eternity. Of primary concern, above all the sandcastles of this world, is your final destination!  Commune with those who have visited Heaven and hell, and the preferred option and the importance of making sure you get there is crystal clear. One cannot take it for granted, and get lazy and lukewarm. First of all, make sure Jesus Christ is you Lord. That means you put Him in charge of your life, that you seek above all things to do His will... not (if it contradicts God's will) the will your father, your mother, your husband or wife, your kids, your boss, and specially yourself... the will of these are secondary and subservient to the will of God. How do you do this? Consistent time in His Word, consistent prayer, consistently seeking his direction, looking for opportunities to help others, to be kind, to be a blessing, to do good, to share the gospel, and then doing it. If you screw up, sincerely repent, commit to never doing it again, do your best to 'make it right', and then continue to be 'transformed by the renewing of your mind'.  Remember, only he that DOES the will of the Father will enter the kingdom of Heaven.

There is nothing more important in life than securing your final destination, and secondly, positioning yourself for the best possible outcome when you get there. Once there, your status is pretty much established, and there is not much more you can do to change it. Your choices now determine your destiny in eternity... whether you live forever in a glorious mansion living a life beyond your wildest dreams, or not. This is our 'final exam', the clock is ticking, and the bell could ring anytime, so stay focused on your heavenly treasures. The greatest achievement is bringing others into the kingdom and helping them to achieve spiritual maturity, and living a godly, holy life of praise, worship and communion with our Creator. When you finally get to Heaven, what could be more important, more wonderful, more fulfilling, than hearing the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"!  That is ultimate apex of existence!

God's Navy Seals

As we sit in the comfort of our warm homes, our quiet existence of 'picket fences', cable TV, home shopping networks, of fun times, parties and vacations, there are men and women who have forsaken all of that to go into months of incredibly difficult disciplined and often painful training and then go into battle, face the horrors of war, and risk injury or even death in order to confront and overcome enemies that threaten our freedoms, our liberties, our way of life. Why would they do that? When life could be so much easier, they jump with amazing courage into the front lines of the battle without hesitation. Whether we agree with their cause or not, we have to admire their courage, their bravery, their willingness to face enormous hardship in order to protect that which they believe to be right   and good.

In that context, imagine, if you will, an alternate reality where there are thousands of different races, species, and planets. Imagine that we are 'beings of light' who have been given an opportunity to enter the physical realm and either live a simple easy life of basic comfort on one of those planets, or, alternately, join the battle between good and evil, to become part of an elite force, to fight against demons, to either fall before an evil enemy or cut them down with the sword of the Spirit! What would you do? Would you take the easy road and live a simple good life, or rise up, put on the armor of God and go into battle? The few, the courageous, the willing, run headlong into battle, knowing that, if they survive, they will be rewarded with honor and positions of authority and noble responsibility, having proven that they can overcome evil and therefore having the qualifications required to rule and reign with Him.

Now imagine that YOU have made the choice to take the hard road. Imagine that you chose to be dropped into battle with the additional knowledge that you will have to face that battle with no memory of your mission, of your past, of your heritage, and that only faith in God can lead you to victory. It's a high stakes gamble, because if you lose, the consequences are severe, but if you win, the prize is beyond earthly comprehension. Imagine that you are living this now, that your journey in this evil, corrupt, magnificent, amazing world is your time to shine... your time to prove what you are made of, your time to rise up against the odds and snatch victory from the forces of darkness! What if this is not just a wild fantasy? What if you are a 'being of light' that has chosen to become part of God's 'Navy Seals'? If you became aware that you had chosen to live life on the front lines (and often behind enemy lines), if you awakened to your true identity, how would you live your life differently?

Would you be a warrior for good or just sit on the sidelines? Would you fight with all you have for love, right, truth, and justice or retreat to your sofa watching audio visual junk food while the world around you descends into chaos? Would you wake each morning seeking the wisdom and guidance needed to confront the challenges of the day or be just too busy to spend time with God? Would you stand tall as a faithful ambassador of Christ, living with honor, courage, integrity, and character, reaching out in love and helping those in need, honoring and giving praise to God, or would you live life for your own aggrandizement? Would you open the eyes of the spiritually blind, heal the spiritually lame, and lead the lost to the way, the truth, and the life, the Lord of Creation? Christ himself promised that if we are faithful in the small things given us to do in this world, we will be given great responsibility and authority in the new kingdom.

Could this be one possible explanation as to why we live in such an often difficult and challenging world? Is life tough? So is boot camp. Does life seem unfair? War is not fair... we are in an epic battle between good and evil! Are you wounded and in pain? Seek the great medic, healer and bringer of life. It's not just about you and your 'prosperity'. It is about the choices you make and how you impact those around you. Will you seek to serve God with honor, or serve yourself? Whether this is the real back story or not, we may not know until we cross over, but we do know that this life is our testing ground. We will show what we are made of... for better or worse. Worried that you have fallen short? That is why Jesus came and died for us sinners, so that we could be set free from sin by repenting and changing for the better, so stand up and get back into the fight! Now is the time. Awake, you that sleep. Arise, and fight the good fight. When that final day comes and your life is laid bare for all to see, may you, like Paul, be able to say, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing."

Here is a challenge...  Ask yourself right now, how would you live life differently if you knew that you were a member of God's 'Elite Force', His 'Seal Team 7'? Take out a piece of paper and write down at least 5 -10 things you would do to sharpen your spiritual skills, increase your effectiveness at overcoming evil and doing good, and be the best you can be (i.e. like New Years resolutions... if you will), then commit to it! Make this an ongoing, periodic, progressive process, becoming better every day!
You are God's Warrior!

Ephesians 6:10-13


When we think of metamorphosis, the image that immediately pops to mind is the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly. While that is a powerful and almost shocking example of transformation, there is another type of metamorphosis as well, which is more gradual, such as the transition from a tadpole to a frog. In a sense, one is like a revolution and the other is like an evolution. Both are valid means of reaching a desired end. In each case there is a dramatic difference between the 'before' and 'after'.

Curious about the word, I learned that during the pupa stage, a caterfly butterpillar will actually emit digestive fluids that cause the cell death and dissolution of its own former body, and the dissolved components are then recombined into a brand new living structure... literal death and rebirth. Other species, in more evolutionary metamorphosis, undergo dramatic transformations of their organs, such as the flounder, for example, whose eyes start on opposite sides of the fish larvae and end up together on the same side of the adult fish.

Another revelation came upon seeing that the antonym for metamorphosis is 'stagnation'. As growing, learning, evolving human beings, surely metamorphosis is preferable to stagnation!

A common but less cited example of metamorphosis is one that we have all gone through. We started off as two separate single cell organisms in two entirely different ecosystems. One merged into the other, and in an unbelievably complex microscopic dance, the DNA of both individual organisms combined to form a brand new and totally unique single cell organism. This organism then began replicating itself in another miraculous transformation. Then groups of identical cells began to express differentiation from other cells, eventually forming organs. Our form evolved visibly as we were transformed from a blob to a fish-like form to a human form, and then, pop! we went from liquid breathing to air breathing. Next, we are transformed from helpless babies into fantastically creative learning beings as children, and then into teen and adulthood.

Finally, as adults, some people go through a metamorphosis in their personal, psychological and/or spiritual makeup. Once successful businessmen can get addicted to drugs or alcohol and undergo a dark metamorphosis, at the end of which they wake up on a street corner homeless and penniless. Some will undergo another metamorphosis by going into a 12 step program, kick the habit, take the 12 steps to heart, and will emerge as a kinder, healthier, more ethical, stronger and more humble individual than they were before they started. Other people will find God and will be transformed from self-centered narcissistic individuals to loving and spiritual giants. The walk of faith is truly one about transformation... metamorphosis. It is about putting to death the 'old man' (fallen, sinful, corrupt), being born of the spirit, and bringing to life the 'new man' (enlightened, connected to God through Christ). In the central and pivotal verse of the New Testament, Romans 12:2 ("And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."), the Greek the word from which the word 'transformed' is translated is 'metamorpho'... look familiar?

It is said of businesses, that if you are not growing, you are dying. A business that is not innovating and progressing will soon be outflanked by its competitors and eventually become an annotation in the history books. The same is true, to a certain extent, with us as individuals. We need to continue to grow, to learn, to innovate, to change, to rise above. Some may go through radical, revolutionary transformation, while others may evolve more slowly. If we stop moving, we will stagnate. If we don't try each day to be better people, to answer our higher calling, to give more and to love more, then we are slipping into mediocrity and anonymity.

You can achieve great things! You can undergo a daily renewal and transformation so that you become stronger and healthier and wiser each day. As you grow, you will be able to accomplish more. Never stop learning. Never stop discovering. Seek the source of light and truth, then seek the transformation of your very soul. As you do, you will find yourself accomplishing things you never dreamed possible, reaching unimagined heights, and appreciating with renewed humility and joy the creative expression of God!

Breaking the Programming

Have you noticed how many pharmaceutical ads there are these days? You can't seem to get through a single commercial break without being bombarded by one or more ads suggesting that you might have some disease, and they have the fix. Then they list all the horrible things that could happen if you take their remedy (often including long term disability or even death) and then say, "Ask your doctor if ___ is right for you". What is going on here? This is a form of mental programming. They start by instilling a bit of fear (Do I have that disease?), activating the reptilian mind (see previous blog), which, through the pleasure/pain response is closely connected to our subconscious. Mental suggestion can often induce the now deeply rooted perception that one has the condition that is being suggested, and ultimately (through the power of suggestion and belief - sort of a reverse placebo effect) one can ultimately display enough of the suggested symptoms that a doctor will agree with your proposed disease diagnosis, and prescribe the suggested 'cure'. Only the cure isn't a cure, as the side effects are commonly worse than the relief it claims to bring. You then are led to take another pill for those symptoms, and so on and so on. By the time people are seniors, many are taking 7-10 different medications, lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies while polluting and damaging their bodies with a semi-toxic chemical cocktail.

This is one example of intentional mental programming by an industry with power and money and access to your life through television, radio, and the internet. Bankers are another industry that has us, as a society, well programmed. Your credit limit is touted as an indicator of your prosperity and personal worth. Once upon a time, living within your means meant only spending the money you have... now we have been trained to think it means living within your available credit limits. They then convince you to buy the biggest house that 'you can afford' (based on the amount of money that they are willing to lend to you), the best car, the biggest TV, etc., etc., until your credit is maxed out. At that point you are likely paying hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars in interest to the banks every month. They feed off of you and millions of others using money that they created out of thin air (research 'fractional reserve banking') commonly backed (at a 1:10 ratio) by money they got from the Federal Reserve (a private company) at zero percent interest (or close to it). The Fed gets its money as a result of 'The Federal Reserve Act' (passed in the middle of the night during Christmas break in 1913). Instead of the US government printing its own money (as the Founders had intended), when the government needs money, the Federal Reserve tells the US Treasury (a government agency) how much money to 'print' (either physically or electronically). They then take the money that the Treasury 'prints', and loan it to our government with interest. The Federal Reserve (reminder - a private company) gets rich off of the the government (i.e. our taxpayer dollars), and then loans that money out to banks. In the meantime, our government goes deeper into debt (they have fallen into the same mental trap, reinforcing the false perception) and they (the banks) get richer, though they did no real work to accumulate that wealth. Quite a gig, if you can get it, wouldn't you say? Yet the banks have convinced us this is all for our benefit, so, "Go shopping! Go ahead, max out that card! Borrow as much as we will let you! You are entitled to it! Give us full control over your life! If you can't pay your bills, we'll take everything and you may end up homeless and hungry, but don't think about that. It would never happen to you!"

A third mental programming for you to consider goes under the label of 'terrorism'. Because of the fear of 'terrorism', millions of American citizens now must agree to either be electronically stripped naked at airports using potentially dangerous technology, or to subject themselves to sexual molestation by a complete stranger in a uniform. In another example, in London (a city at the forefront of citizen control), it is estimated that there are 4.2 million CCTV cameras, roughly one camera for every 2 citizens of that city. It has also been reported in the US that the phone calls, internet activities, and even the location (via phone GPS) of a significant percentage of US citizens is being tracked by our government. Can you say, "Big Brother'? Why are we allowing this? It is all because we have been conditioned to fear 'terrorism'. We are at least a sixty times more likely to die in a car crash than to be hit by terrorism, but we still drive (number based on an average over 10 years, including the events of 9/11). Yet we will subject ourselves to all kinds of invasions of privacy and government control over our lives in order to 'protect us' from supposed 'terrorism'. It is little more than a ruse to gain control over every aspect of our lives.

These are three classic and prevalent forms of mental programming designed to get each and every one of us (if possible) under their control to feed their systems, concentrating the wealth and power of the world into the hands of a few. Awareness of how others attempt to manipulate us for their own benefit is the first step in 'recovery'.

Once we are aware of how others try to program our thinking to their benefit, we can start to take steps to counter their mental programming. We can mute the TV every time a drug ad comes on TV (or better yet, shut off the TV altogether). We can learn how to maintain and improve our health by eating more healthy natural foods and maintaining a positive mindset. We can work to get out of debt and commit to "if we can't pay cash, we won't buy it". We can buy houses that we can easily afford. We can refuse to live in fear of 'terrorism' and do everything we can to protect our freedoms. Instead of living in fear of disease, fear of bankruptcy, and fear of terrorism, we can choose to live wisely and be free from fear. Fear constrains us... causing us to live a 'fight or flight' existence, submitting ourselves to the rule of others who claim to have 'the answer' (not!). Truth makes us free.

There is a higher way to live. We can choose to live a life that is guided by love and compassion, by spontaneity and creativity, by charity and humility, by truth and wisdom, by divine majesty. We can work to make today better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today. We can learn to love a little better every day. We can pray to God. We can let the Book of Life speak to us and teach us the meaning of life.

As the Master of Life once said,
“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the good news to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed..."

If we are willing to follow his example, then it will be said of us:
"Those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."

The truth will make you free!